Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Iran and UAE may not be trusted on handling nuclear energy

Article first published as UAE and Iran on Nuclear Energy on Technorati.

In the shadow of other countries rejecting nuclear energy, Iran and United Arab Emirates civilians are in favour of nuclear energy. Germany,Switzerland and Italy had decided to phase out nuclear energy. UK is slowing down on nuclear energy.
The above five nations are rejecting nuclear energy on the basis of Japan's Fukushima nuclear accident. Citizens of these countries had been shook by the Fukushima accident and had voted against it. What surprises most is why Iran and UAE are so obsessed with nuclear energy development despite its potential danger. UAE national poll show that 85% of residents are in favour of nuclear energy development. Iran, supported by Russia and China is adopting legal procedure to accede to Nuclear Safety Convention.
Why UAE and Iran had not took lessons from Japan? Japan is more technologically advanced than the two countries but it had failed to prevent nuclear disaster. UAE and Iran should also have followed the Germany,Swiss and Italy trend. UAE might not have legitimate reasons for developing nuclear energy. It has one of the largest oil and natural gas reserves in the world. This is adequate for its 8 million people.
Even though President Obama and IAEA had approved UAE's nuclear energy program, the Arabs may not be trusted. Nobody should forget about 9/11 attacks. Two of the 9/11 hijackers were UAE citizens. One of the hijackers was on UAE government- funded scholarship in the US at the time. Furthermore UAE is one of the three countries in the world to officially recognise the Taliban. During the 1990s, Dubai was the major hub for the traffickers of nuclear energy technology and fuel to Iran, North Korea and Libya. Likewise Iran is well known for its state sponsered terrorism,ambitions for nuclear weapons and violations of human rights.Therefore letting nuclear energy technology in the hands of UAE and Iran with gross human rights abuses is the most risk business the world can do.


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